Are my customer actually satisfied ?

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Get survey templates, tools, and resources to start understanding the racial equity dynamics in your organization.

any time do your survey
Any time do your survey
Plan start from 0
Plan start from 0 rupees
Survey for research & experience
Survey for research & experience accrose
Create on existing template
Create on existing template
How to measure NPS By QDegrees
Capture Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Capture Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Customer Service Satisfaction (CSS), Retention Rate, Churn Rate, Conversion Rate, and Customer Lifetime Value, or Develop your own KPIs

Plans & Pricing

Choose a plan and start your business today

Price Table
Choose a plan and start your business today


Choose a plan and start your business today


Choose a plan and start your business today



Up to 15,000 Surveys through Emails OR
5,000 Surveys through SMS

Up to 45,000 Surveys through Emails OR
15,000 Surveys through SMS

Up to 2,40,000 Surveys through Emails OR
75,000 Surveys through SMS

Cost Per Survey
1.2 INR
0.62 INR
Survey Design Support
Real-time Dashboard Responses ( Close Ended )
VOC with Text Categorization
Insights Deck
Dashboard Licenses
English, Hindi
For the businesses looking for a custom solution


Measure Customer Loyalty
Measure Customer Loyalty
Real-Time NPS Scores
Real-Time NPS Scores
Quick Alerts
Quick Alerts
Smart & Customized Dashboards
Smart & Customized Dashboards
Service Recovery & Close Looping
Service Recovery & Close Looping
Analyze the Customer’s Voice & Sentiments
Analyze the Customer’s Voice & Sentiments
Seamless Integration with most CRMs
Seamless Integration with most CRMs
Data Security is the highest priority
Data Security is the highest priority

Track your Promoters & Detractors

Track your Promoters & Detractors

Almost all of us have come across this question after every transaction recently, be it food delivery, shopping from a retail store, cash withdrawal from ATM, or anything else.

  1. Using customer recommendations and feedback to know what the customers are feeling.
  2. NPS, when coupled with other metrics, can go far beyond arithmetic or a statistical value.
  3. Treat the customers to bring in a delightful experience.
  4. Know your company’s NPS to understand what service and area to be improved.

Drive improvement across your organization

Identification of business requirements of processes and evaluating the scope of improvement. In a highly competitive business environment, process improvement is crucial for organizations to stay a step ahead.

  1. Evangelize customer-centricity from the C-suite to the front line.
  2. Engage stakeholders with custom dashboards.
  3. Leverage your systems of record to automate team follow-up.
  4. Easy-to-use platform speeds adoption across the teams.

Drive Improvement by our tool SurvayCXM

Track, report & close loop

 Track, report & close loop through Net Promoter Score

Closed loop reporting gives organizatinos valuable insight into how customers are feeling and bring in the more qualified leads.

  1. Monitor the NPS trend with a smart and personalized dashboard.
  2. Periodically collect real-time customer feedback.
  3. Assess real-time customer experience using the CSAT score calculator.
  4. Automate Workflow Segmentation with Quick Alerts.

Are you looking for a way that can get real opinions from the customers on the basis of regular surveys customized as per industry needs, floated automatically?

Know the score with your customers

The measure used to gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm with a company that's calculated by asking customers one question: “how likely are you to recommend this product/company to a friend or colleague?”

  1. Keep a competitive edge by truly understanding the voice of your customers.
  2. Customer satisfaction surveys help you connect at multiple touchpoints to find out exactly what your customers want, need, and expect.
  3. Capture a 360-degree view of customers’ views with real-time feedback.

Know the score with your customers

User-Friendly Unified NPS Portal

User-Friendly Unified NPS Portal

It is a combination of automated and easy survey, NPS rating, score analysis and report creation.

  1. A combination of automated and easy surveys, NPS rating, score analysis, and report creation.
  2. The AI-powered solution empowers you to convert the “big data” of customer feedback into insights .
  3. The intuitive dashboard gives you unmatched visibility across all key metrics .
  4. Integrates seamlessly with other systems through well-defined APIs.

Channels of conducting NPS Survey

Surveys can be conducted through various platforms. The most successful and preferred modes to conduct NPS surveys can be:

  1. Email Surveys: Low Investment & High Productivity to gather insightful data; High Response Rate
  2. In-App/On-page Surveys: It’s a pop-up, asking questions for feedback and NPS; High Response Rate.
  3. SMS Surveys: You can send a short code to access or a link to click on for surveys through regular SMS; High Response Rate.
  4. Chatbot: Sending survey through chatbot, once the support is provided, and can be available all time in the chatbot section.
  5. Kiosk Surveys: The latest kiosk available in local malls and self-services, give features to take short surveys immediately after the purchase of a product/service.
  6. Phone Survey: Most convenient method of survey, easy, and keeps anonymity in case of sensitive questions. In market research, CATI (computer assisted telephone interviews) has faster ways to handle the interviews easily.

Channels of conducting NPS Survey

SurveyCXM Calling

Channels of conducting NPS Survey

Surveys can be conducted through various platforms. The most successful and preferred modes to conduct NPS surveys can be:

  1. Create and Design Your Own Questionnaire: Easily design custom surveys and use them as survey forms.
  2. Response and VOC Capture: Efficiently capture responses and Voice of Customer (VOC) feedback from your customers.
  3. Decision Tree Functionality: The survey form operates like a decision tree, displaying only the required fields based on customer responses.
  4. Automatic Dialing: Automatically dial customers once their data is uploaded into the tool.
  5. CTI Integration: Seamless Computer Telephony Integration for enhanced functionality.
  6. Real-Time Performance View: Access real-time performance metrics and insights.
  7. Customizable Dashboards: Tailor dashboards to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  8. Data Security: Customer data cannot be copied or pasted by callers, ensuring data integrity and security.
  9. Customized User Management: Manage user permissions and access levels to suit your organizational requirements.